Quick Start


You need Homebrew or Docker to run ASD.


Recommended. Do the following

brew install alps-asd/asd/asd

To uninstall, do the following:

brew uninstall asd
brew untap alps-asd/asd


Install the asd command with the following command.

curl -L https://alps-asd.github.io/app-state-diagram/asd.sh > . /asd && chmod +x . /asd && sudo mv . /asd /usr/local/bin


After installing either Homebrew or Docker, let’s run the demo.

mkdir work
curl -L curl https://alps-asd.github.io/app-state-diagram/blog/profile.json > work/profile.json
asd --watch ./work/profile.json

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. Can you see the diagram in the Application State Diagram link?

Mac Application

A Mac GUI application that does not require console operation is also available.

Install and Run:

  • Download ASD launcher and open the asd script.
  • In the script editor, select File > Export... and save the file to the Application folder with the file format as application.
    • Run and select an ALPS file to start the ASD server. Drag & Drop is also supported.

Application State Diagram

Each rectangle connected by an arrow is called application state. The resource state and affordance (next action) are shown as links, and the application state transitions by following the links. Imagine a website where each page is linked with <a> tags and <form> tags.

The transition diagram is in SVG format and is linked to the detailed pages of the application states and links.